PH4010  Senior Colloquium I  Fall 2001

Instructor: Gary P. Agin
Office: 103 Fisher
Phone: 487-2907
See catalog description
Text: A Speaker's Guidebook, Text and Reference, Dan O'Hair, Rob Stewart and Hannah Rubenstein (ISBN 0-312-25848-8)
Text web site:


You will research selected topics in Physics using the library and internet resources in order to prepare oral presentations for the class. The style of the talks is intended to simulate presentation of papers at Physics professional society meetings. A short written summary of the content of each talk is required. A bibliography is to be attached to the summary.

Each of you will prepare and give several short (8 to 10 minute) talks and one intermediate length (15 to 20 minute) talk. The initial selection of topic for the short talks must originate from the list of topics furnished to the class. Each talk must concern itself with a different area of Physics and must not duplicate the topic chosen by another student.

You are expected to practice critical listening skills by being attentive audience members for both fellow student presentations and departmental invited speakers at the Thursday Colloquium. Evaluation forms will be completed for each speech.


Scheduled Meetings

Monday & Wednesday
 4 pm
129 Fisher
 4 pm
139 Fisher

Actual class meetings after the first few weeks depend on speaker schedules.  The first meeting was Monday, August 27, 2001.

Speaker Schedule

Sept 20 Dr. Bijan K. Rao, Virginia Commonwealth U "Atomic Clusters - A New Source of Metastable Materials"
Oct 4 Dr. Warren Perger, Depts of Physics & Electrical Engineering, MTU "High-Precision Atomic Physics Calculations Using a Computer Algebra System and Many-Body Perturbation Theory"
Oct 8 Daniel Kilpela
Rob Beranek
Ultrasound Imaging Without Physical Contact
Liquid Crystal Acoustics
Oct 10 Peter Kiefer
Dan Boline
Nathan M. Jones
Gamma-Ray Bursters
Gravity's Gravity
Having Your Photon and Seeing It Too
Oct 11 Mark Gleason, Isle Royale Institute & Dept of Physics, MTU "Isle Royale Institute"
Oct 22 Rob Beranek
Nathan M. Jones
An Alternative to Compactification
A Linear Decelerator for Neutral Molecules
Oct 24 Peter Kiefer
Dan Boline
Daniel Kilpela
Molecular Logic Gates
A Theory of Tackiness
Creating Antimatter with Laser Light
Nov 8 Dr. Will Cantrell, Dept of Physics, MTU "Nucleation, Thin Films and Deliquescence of Salt"
Nov 26 Nathan M. Jones The Scale of Quantum Gravity and Black Hole Creation
Nov 28 Peter Kiefer
Rob Beranek
The Physics of Micromachining
Surface Melting
Dec 5 Dan Boline
Daniel Kilpela
The Cosmic Microwave Background
The Keck II (Adaptive Optics) Telescope
Dec 6 Dr. Igor L Kliakhandler, Dept of Math, MTU "Remarkable Features of Thin Film Flows"
Dec 13 Dr. Peter Moran, Depts of Physics & Materials Science, MTU "A Review of Strain Relaxation Observed in Wafer-Bonded Heterostructures"